
About Us

How Our Surgeon Selection Works

Imagine you're going to have your thyroid removed. Who would you select?

A) ENT Surgeon

Performs 50 thyroid removals each year.

B) General Surgeon

Performs 1 thyroidectomy each year.

Most people would prefer the ENT.

Intuitively, you would select the more specialized surgeon. But the effect is more pronounced than you may think.


Your likelihood of complication can decrease by up to 98% with a more experienced surgeon.

The research is clear – surgeons who perform more thyroidectomies each year have lower complication rates. It’s a direct correlation: the frequency of performing this intricate surgery sharpens the surgeon’s acumen, leading to a higher success rate and a safer experience for you.

Ready to save on surgery costs?
Discover how End to End Health can help your employees access higher quality care.

We go beyond just surgeon volume to give you precision matching.