

Making healthier chocolate choices

The End to End Health Team
The End to End Health Team

Background check: approximately how much more sugar is in a 70% chocolate bar compared with a 90% chocolate bar?

A)   20% more

B)   50% more

C)   300% more

You’ve surely heard that if you’re going to have a sweet treat, dark chocolate is the healthier choice. However, the variation in sugar content within dark chocolate is much starker than you may realize.

Understanding cocoa percentage

Before getting into the math, let’s clarify what cocoa percentage represents. Cocoa percentage is the sum of the cocoa solids and cocoa butter content in chocolate, expressed as a percentage of the total weight. Cocoa solids refer to the non-fat components derived from the cocoa bean, including cocoa powder, while cocoa butter is the fatty component. Therefore, higher cocoa percentages indicate a higher concentration of cocoa and less room for other ingredients, such as sugar.

With that in mind, consider this example with two chocolate bars with very similar ingredients:

We will assume that sugar is the only ingredient that changes proportionally to maintain the chocolate’s consistency. For simplicity, we will ignore ingredients,such as milk powder, flavorings, and emulsifiers, which may vary between different chocolate bars.

Let’s denote:

  • C = Cocoa Percentage
  • S = Sugar Percentage
  • T = Total Weight of Chocolate Bar

Based on our assumption, the sum of cocoa percentage (C) and sugar percentage (S) should equal 100% (i.e., C + S =100%). Thus, we can express the sugar percentage as S = 100% – C.

Next, we’ll introduce another variable, W, representing the weight of sugar in the chocolate bar. We can calculate this using the formula:

W = (S/100) * T

This equation indicates that the weight of sugar (W) is obtained by multiplying the sugar percentage (S) by the total weight of the chocolate bar (T) and dividing it by 100.

Illustrative Example: To provide a practical example, let’s examine two chocolate bars with different cocoa percentages: a 90% cocoa bar and a 70% cocoa bar. We’ll assume both bars weigh 100 grams.

For the 90% cocoa bar: C = 90 S =     100% – 90% = 10 T = 100 grams

W = (10/100) * 100 = 10 grams

Hence, the 90% cocoa bar contains 10grams of sugar.

For the 70% cocoa bar: C = 70 S= 100% – 70% = 30 T = 100 grams

W = (30/100) * 100 = 30 grams

Therefore, the 70% cocoa bar contains30 grams of sugar in 100 grams.


The mathematical analysis clearly demonstrates how cocoa percentage affects the sugar content in chocolate.Higher cocoa percentages result in lower sugar content due to the limited room for additional ingredients. As a result, chocolates with higher cocoa percentages, such as 90% cocoa, tend to be less sweet compared to those with lower cocoa percentages, such as 70% cocoa. Understanding this relationship empowers consumers to make informed choices about the chocolates they consume, considering their taste preferences and nutritional requirements.