Prevent Surgical Comoplications

We offer full-service surgery preparation, customized

We deliver the research-backed recommendations to protect surgical patients from 70% of complications.

nurse explaining information

Prevention Strategies

Medication Management

25% of errors are attributed to incorrect medication records or dosage. We help you flag problems to discuss with your doctor.​

Pre-Surgical Assessments

Get screening recommendations, prophylactics, and simple habits the week before to protect yourself from infections.​

Custom Discharge Questions

The average discharge discussion lasts 1 minute. We'll give you customized discharge questions for your stay.

Seamless process

How It Works

1- Complete a Comprehensive Questionnaire

We'll then rank the best hospitals for your type of surgery and health profile.

2- Select a Top Surgeon

Next, we suggest surgeons with the best documented outcomes. These include, lowest complication rate, fastest recovery time and other measurable data points

3- Unlock Digestible Lessons

Then, we'll walk you through the steps that you can take prior to their surgery which will reduce the risk of complications.

4- Fill Out Personalized Worksheets

We then provide a checklist for use in the hospital to help make sure you get the proper care, including detailed postoperative instructions.

surgeons looking at lens

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