Every recommendation we offer is personalized to your specific risk profile, based on millions of outcomes from similar patients.
Our recommendation engine helps patients find the best hospitals and doctors by matching them with medical teams that have a track record of success with similar cases. By using our tool, patients can easily find the most suitable surgeons and hospitals based on their specific health needs.
Rather than rely on referrals or biased online reviews, find hospitals within your insurance policy that are proven to provide better patient outcomes.
For complex procedures, the average length of stay doubles when you go to a suboptimal hospital.
Over 30% of surgeries result in a post-operative complication. The quality of the hospital protocols shape outcomes.
Poor recovery conditions and hospital-acquired infections lead to unplanned readmissions and increased mortality.
Most people pick a surgeon and then have their procedure done at whatever hospital that surgeon is affiliated with. However, the data doesn’t support this approach. Serious complication rates for the same procedure vary widely among hospitals more than among surgeons.
These disparities come about from the quality control metrics in place at the hospital like handwashing protocol, nurse-to-patient ratio, and follow-up procedures.